Important Responsibilities Assigned to Mrs. Geet Nisha from Uttar Pradesh as National Secretary of the Women’s Cell and Mr. Mohammad Shafi Mir as State Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir in the Bharatiya Media Foundation.
Report by:
Simmi Bhatti
Office of the Chief Secretary, New Delhi
The Bharatiya Media Foundation is continuously expanding its organization throughout India. In this sequence, appointments have been made with the consent of Karan Chhokar Ji of the Central Policy Making Supreme Committee of the Bharatiya Media Foundation, National Deputy Chairman Ajay Seth Ji, Central Disciplinary Committee Central President Ram Asare Ji, Joint National President Rajendra Wagh Ji, Jammu and Kashmir State President Bilal Ahmed Sheikh, and Jammu and Kashmir State General Secretary Mohammad Rafiq Wani.
All the State Presidents and State Media Officers and office bearers, District and Mandal Media Officers and office bearers of all the states of the Bharatiya Media Foundation, who are determined to struggle at every turn on the question of the rights, respect, and security of journalists and social workers, are expanding the organization while fulfilling their responsibilities.
Pandit Balkrishna Tiwari, the National President of the Bharatiya Media Foundation, said that under the guidance of the organization’s founder, AK Bindusar Ji, National Chairman Sanjay Kumar Maurya Ji, Joint Chairman Mohammad Asif Ansari Ji, National Deputy Chairman Ajay Seth Ji, National Spokesperson Krishna Kant Jaiswal Ji, Joint National President Rajendra Wagh Ji, Senior National Vice President Khwaja Abdul Karim Khan Saheb, National Chief General Secretary Mayank Upadhyay Ji, Central General Assembly Central President Avinash Ranjan Ji, Central Policy Making Supreme Committee Central President Karan Chhokar Ji, Central Disciplinary Committee Central President Ram Asare Ji, Central Management Affairs Committee Joint Central President Madan Mohan Pathak Ji, Central Advisory Council Central President Krishna Madhav Mishra Ji, and Central Management Affairs Committee Central Senior Vice President Ravikant Sahu Ji, Management Central Vice President Professor Dr. NN Tiwari Ji and Prem Ranjan Jha Ji, Central Disciplinary Committee Central Vice President Satyadev Pandey Ji, Central Disciplinary Committee Chief Secretary Deepak Kumar Gupta Ji, Central Management Affairs Committee Chief Secretary Kamlesh Pathak Ji, Print and Electronic Media Cell National President Sunil Kumar Gupta Ji and Youth Wing National President Mamlesh Mishra Ji, Hriday Bahadur Singh National Vice President, National Advisor Anwar Ali Ji along with all National Vice Presidents, National General Secretary Bhola Thakur Ji along with all National General Secretaries, National Secretary and Abhishek Shastri National Organizing Secretary, Print and Electronic Media Cell National Deputy Chairman Nishakant Sharma Ji, Central Advisory Council Central Vice President Rajendra Rajpurohit Ji, Women’s Cell National President Vandana Tai Pote along with all National Organizing Secretaries and National Advisors, and in the presence of Uttar Pradesh Acting State President Sanjay Gandhi Ji, Uttar Pradesh Youth Wing State President and State In-charge Rahul Gupta Ji, the organization is expanding rapidly day and night.
In this sequence, the appointment of Mrs. Geet Nisha and Mohammad Shafi Mir in the Bharatiya Media Foundation is an important step that recognizes their ability and experience. Mrs. Geet Nisha has been appointed as the National Secretary of the Women’s Cell and Mohammad Shafi Mir as the State Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir, which is expected to fulfill their new responsibilities with full devotion and dedication.
This appointment will also play an important role in the ongoing movement on the question of the rights, respect, and security of journalists and social workers. This initiative of the Bharatiya Media Foundation should be appreciated and we hope that this appointment will play an important role in fulfilling the objectives of the organization.
Ajay Seth, National Deputy Chairman of Bharatiya Media Foundation, and Mayank Upadhyay, National Chief General Secretary, jointly said that upon receiving reports from various states, the list of media officers and office bearers is being released by the Honorable National President. He said that the National Chairman Sanjay Kumar Maurya and Joint National Chairman Mohammad Asif Ansari and the National Committee have directed all the District Presidents and State Presidents to prepare the list.
All the media officers and office bearers of the Bharatiya Media Foundation have congratulated the elected media officers and office bearers.